Sunday, January 5, 2014

Mixing Old and New

When I design jewelry, I love mixing old and new. So it makes sense that I also gravitate to that look in home design. In the photo above, designer Stacey Costello unveils a seamless way to combine something old with something new. I especially love the way she mixed that gorgeous vintage tablecloth with lime green napkins, fruits and sunflowers.  No, your napkins do not have to match your cloth. See! Visit for more ideas.

Suzanne Varner's website would be another fabulous resource if you enjoy this eclectic style of interior design. Her combination of a classic traditional dining table with leather chairs and 50's aqua walls is so unexpected and yet so sophisticated. Of course the magnificent chandelier is definitely the cherry on top!

Summer Thornton is another talented designer who exemplifies this quirky yet fabulous style of decorating. Love, love, love the funky color scheme and mint green glass lamps combined with the tufted velvet headboard and silver damask wall covering. Really cool. See lots more at

I want to call this magnificent room "rustic revival." It is a real "McMansion" on Capitol Hill in the Seattle area. It sports an Old World look mixed with fabulous leathers and hides. Sweet!

Hope you will visit www.myrnahalpern to see how I put these eclectic concepts to use in a very different realm....... jewelry design. Have fun, cyber shoppers!

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